Yarrow Tincture
Yarrow Tincture
Yarrow, also known as the "herb of the battlefield," boasts potent properties that promote blood health and fight infections. It is particularly effective in cleaning deep wounds and treating scratches, bruises, and cuts when applied topically, while also reducing fever and body heat when taken internally. Additionally, yarrow is known to benefit women's reproductive organs and aid in cases of prolapsed uterus, ovarian inflammation, and fibroids. It can also provide relief for issues such as bleeding hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers, indigestion, heartburn, and sluggish kidneys, and can even help with conditions like flatulence, stomach cramps, liver disorders, and intestinal inflammation. This versatile herb can also be used orally to promote gum health and heal tooth infections.
Wildcrafted fresh yarrow, gluten free alcohol.
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